Vision Therapy Masking Tape Games

Happy September! Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend!

When you walk into our therapy room, you will always notice all the tape on the carpet. Here’s another fun Vision Therapy game, with a little help from masking tape. It’s easy, cheap, and effective!

Whose child is still reversing their b, d, p, q’s? Here is a fun thing you can do:

Have your child stand in the middle and call out the letter you want them to hop to! FUN!

If you remember I blogged about balance and I used masking tape for the balance beam. Check it out here: Workin’ the Vestibular System

For more ideas, visit What to Expect with a blog post titled “Indoor Family Activities- Just Add Masking Tape.” These games work on perceptual skills, balance, peripheral vision, and eye-hand coordination. That sounds like fun Vision Therapy to me!

Try these games out! I promise it will bring you lots of fun and it’s easy cleanup! Enjoy!