Emergency Eye Care in Tennessee
The eye and surrounding areas are incredibly delicate, which means that addressing even a seemingly minor problem or injury may require specialty eye care. As Middle Tennessee’s most trusted provider, OPMT Vision Centers is here to help our patients when they have urgent eye care needs. But what constitutes an eye emergency, and how do you know when it’s time to seek medical help for an eye problem?
In Case of Eye Emergencies
All OPMT Vision Centers locations offer same-day emergency appointments.
Nashville: 615-551-4264
Lebanon: 615-457-8237
Lafayette: 615-551-4639
Hartsville: 615-551-4216
Hendersonville: 615-645-1275
Portland: 615-265-6295
If you or someone you know experiences an eye emergency outside of our open hours, please proceed to your nearest emergency room immediately.

In Case of Eye Emergencies
All OPMT Vision Centers locations offer same-day emergency appointments.
Nashville: 615-551-4264
Lebanon: 615-457-8237
Lafayette: 615-551-4639
Hartsville: 615-551-4216
Hendersonville: 615-645-1275
Portland: 615-265-6295
If you or someone you know experiences an eye emergency outside of our open hours, please proceed to your nearest emergency room immediately.

Our Tennessee Emergency Eye Doctors
Our experienced team of optometrists is led by Richard D. Durocher, O.D. Dr. Durocher, our highly-skilled physicians, and our compassionate staff are trained and equipped to address a number of eye emergencies, providing efficient and effective care when you need it most.
When to Seek Immediate Medical Attention
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately:
- Eye pain
- Swelling around the eye
- A foreign object in the eye
- Sudden vision loss
- Sudden onset of flashes, floaters, or spots
- A corneal abrasion
- Significant ocular discharge
Additionally, if you get any type of chemicals in or around your eye, you should seek immediate medical assistance.
First Aid for Common Eye Care Emergencies
Some eye emergencies happen more often than others. If you or someone you know experiences one of these common eye emergencies, here are some first aid strategies you can use before seeking medical attention.

Foreign Object in the Eye
If there is something stuck or embedded in your eye, you should not attempt to remove it, with fingertips, tweezers, or by any other means, and do not rub your eyes.
Attempted removal and excessive rubbing can cause further damage. Instead, contact your nearest OPMT Vision Centers location immediately or proceed to the nearest emergency room.
If something is loosely trapped between your eye and eyelid, you may be able to dislodge it by flushing your eye with cool, clean water. Even if you can dislodge it, you should still seek medical attention to confirm that no damage has been done.

Chemical Contact
Chemicals can cause significant, and even permanent, damage to the eyes and vision. If you get any type of chemical in your eye, you should flush your eye immediately using cool, clean water, rinsing continuously for a least 15 minutes.
Even if your eye begins to feel better before the 15 minutes of flushing are up, you should continue to rinse the eye to ensure any remaining chemical residue is diluted and washed away.
Once you have finished flushing your eye for at least 15 minutes, contact your nearest OPMT Vision Centers location or proceed to the nearest emergency room.

Corneal Abrasion
The cornea, or the clear membrane that covers the iris and pupil, is incredibly sensitive; even a light impact or a small scratch can cause significant damage. Corneal abrasions can be incredibly painful and will leave your eye vulnerable to infection.
If you experience a corneal abrasion, do not rub your eye. Rubbing your eye may move debris around and cause more damage. Contact your nearest OPMT Vision Centers location or proceed to your nearest emergency room immediately.
Tennessee Emergency Eye Services
If you suspect that you or someone you know are experiencing an eye care emergency, contact your nearest OPMT Vision Centers office as soon as possible. We have same-day emergency appointments available. If you experience an eye emergency while our offices are closed, please proceed to your nearest emergency room.
Nashville: 615-551-4264
Lebanon: 615-457-8237
Lafayette: 615-551-4639
Hartsville: 615-551-4216
Hendersonville: 615-645-1275
Portland: 615-265-6295