Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Tennessee
The trusted physicians at OPMT are committed to providing the highest quality eye care to patients across Middle Tennessee. With our advanced diagnostic equipment and dedication to delivering the most innovative treatments available, our experienced eye doctors and compassionate staff ensure that each patient we see receives the care they deserve.
At OPMT, our eye exams focus not just on the quality of your vision, but the overall health of your eyes and visual system. We know that eye conditions affect adults differently as we age, and our adult and senior eye exams reflect this in order to provide you with the most comprehensive eye care experience possible.

Our Experienced Eye Doctors
OPMT physicians are committed to driving forward the ever-evolving science behind eye care by participating in clinical studies, lecturing on their findings, and evaluating the latest research when it becomes available. Led by Richard Durocher, O.D., our team of experienced eye doctors craft personalized, effective eye care solutions to meet every patient’s needs.
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Our Comprehensive Eye Exams
Annual comprehensive eye exams are imperative when it comes to preserving your vision, as well as the overall health of your eyes. Your visual needs are completely unique, and your eye exams should be tailored to reflect this, especially if you have additional health concerns like diabetes, a family history of eye diseases like glaucoma, or are experiencing vision problems as an older adult.

Adult Eye Exams in Tennessee
During a comprehensive eye exam for adults, we go above and beyond merely testing your near and distance vision. After we assess your vision, we’ll update or generate your precise vision prescription. Then, we’ll use state-of-the-art technology and imaging equipment to take a behind-the-scenes look at the retinas, optic nerves, and more.
Through remarkable advances in technology, we’re able to detect and monitor any potential changes your eyes undergo, diagnosing serious eye diseases before they can cause significant vision loss. By inspecting the external and internal structures of the eyes, we can watch for changes and create a baseline from which to monitor your eye health moving forward.

Solutions for Presbyopia
Vision changes are a normal part of the aging process. As you age, your near vision will weaken due to physiological changes taking place within the eye. This is called presbyopia, or age-related farsightedness, and it happens as part of the natural aging process — even to those who’ve never worn glasses before.
If you’re experiencing presbyopia, annual eye exams ensure that your eyewear prescription is up to date, providing you with great vision no matter which form of corrective eyewear you choose.

Senior Eye Exams in Tennessee
For adults over the age of 60, it’s especially important to undergo a comprehensive eye exam every year, because your risk for serious but treatable eye conditions increases. Changes to your vision may happen more often, including a deterioration in your night vision and trouble seeing in low light. These could be symptoms of cataracts — the age-related clouding of the eye’s natural lens — or other eye diseases.
Seniors are more at risk for conditions such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, so senior eye exams are geared more toward the treatment and management of eye diseases. If our physicians detect signs of any abnormalities that can threaten your vision, we’ll come up with an action plan to address them or refer you to a trusted local ophthalmologist if further care is required.

Comprehensive Eye Care for Adults and Seniors in Nashville
Whether you’re a younger or an older adult, OPMT Vision Centers will make sure you’re seeing the world clearly and with healthy eyes. Give us a call to schedule your comprehensive eye exam.