Vision Therapy Resources

>With the cool air coming into Nashville, it lets us know that summer has almost come to an end. Not only that but with the sight of school buses and crossing guards, we know school is back in session! I hope they start of school has been great.
Today’s blog I would like to share some great resources: 

  • On the COVD website, they have a great resource center for parents. Check it out: Parent Resource Center.
  • In previous blogs we blogged about; Is there a correlation between ADD/ADHD and vision problems?  As you read, a lot of ADD symptoms go hand-in-hand with vision problems. Yes, Vision Therapy can rid ADD symptoms. Here is a great book to check out for more information: Without Ritalin: A Natural Approach to ADD. Berne, Samuel, O.D., FCOVD.
  • A couple of months ago I blogged about Pinterest. This one is for all the moms that love Pinterest, check out all the Vision Therapy things people are pinning: Vision Therapy Pins.
  • Before we start investing our time on anything, what is the first thing you want to do before you start? We find out if it works or we look for reviews, right?
  • For more great books, check this out: Book List. There are books titled “Helping Hyperactive Kids – A Sensory Integration Approach” to “How to Improve Your Child’s Eyesight Naturally” to “The Mislabeled Child.” Great resources parents!

There are so many great resources out there about Vision Therapy. Not only that but how to improve our child’s life naturally. I hope you take advantage of some of these great resources. Until next week, I encourage you to do something new and creative with your child this week!